



Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine




Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

About the direction meteorology

Meteorology Department of the Civil Society Organization, Olga Dubrovina, (044) 525-69-21

   The Meteorology Department dates back to the organization of the Meteorological Observatory at St. Volodymyr's University of Kyiv in 1855, which, in addition to meteorological observations, also performed the work that is part of the functions of the current Meteorology Department, namely, generalization of observation data and methodological guidance of the network of stations. The dynamics of the numerical composition of the meteorological observation network is shown in the table.

Type of meteorological observation point

  1885   1892   1925   1929   1941   1948   1956   1986   2005   2018   2020
Station   10  1648   380   360   164   157   292   206  187   159   162
Post  Н/Д  Н/Д   118  1538  Н/Д  323   682   413 312   282   280

  Over time, the department changed its status and subordination, so in 1956, after the restoration of the observatory, the Department of Meteorology and Climate was created, which existed until 1977. In 1977, the Climate Department was spun off from the Climate Group, which existed from 1977 to 1987, and from 1994 to the present day. The Department of Meteorology was responsible for the state of the network, its rational placement and other methodological issues related to meteorological and actinometric observations, their processing and generalization.
  The department was headed by Shyshkovsky N.T. (1956-1959), Trusov I.I. (1960-1963, 1972-1974), Ostrolazova V.A. (1964), Levchenko A.M. (1965-1971), Gil H.M. (1975-1993), Mytnyk T.H. (10.1993-02.1996), Shven N.I. (03.1996-03.2016).
The Department prepares for publication meteorological yearbooks containing a summary of the results of basic observations, and since 1961 it has also been publishing meteorological monthly publications. The editor of the monthly was G.M. Gil, today - O.P. Babych.. 




  The Department, together with the Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute (hereinafter referred to as UkrNDHMI), prepared the following reference books: "Climatological Handbook of the USSR", issue 10, meteorological data for individual years; "Handbook on the Climate of the USSR", issue 10 (solar radiation, radiation balance and sunshine, air and soil temperature, air humidity, precipitation and snow cover, cloud cover and atmospheric phenomena).
In 1967, the USSR Climatological Handbook, a history and physical and geographical description of meteorological stations in Ukraine, was prepared, and in 1970 a similar handbook with data from the stations was published.
The department generalized the materials of observations of especially dangerous meteorological weather phenomena for the period from 1951 to 1965.
Every year, since 1966, the Meteorology Department, together with the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, analyzes and processes data on natural hydrometeorological events that occurred in Ukraine and prepares an annual report on these events (I.V. Yefremova is responsible for this section of work).


Structure and staff of the department
  Currently, the Meteorology Department is a structural unit of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory. The Department consists of the meteorological regime sector headed by O.P. Babych, the meteorological data processing sector headed by O.A. Pavlenko, the actinometry sector headed by A.V. Kostenko and the aerology sector headed by N.V. Gapychenko. Since April 2016, the department has been headed by O.V. Dubrovina (tel. 525 69 21).
The department pays great attention to the professional development of the network's employees. Every year, the department organizes internships for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The most highly qualified employees of the department (O.V. Dubrovina, O.A. Pavlenko, T.V. Rekhta, A.V. Kostenko, N.V. Gapichenko) participate in comprehensive inspections of hydrometeorological activities of regional centers for hydrometeorology, methodological inspections and inspections of stations, during which they provide the necessary methodological and practical assistance.

Tasks and functions of the department
 The main tasks of the department are to study the meteorological regime and solar radiation and to provide methodological guidance for meteorological, actinometric and aerological observations of the network of stations and posts in Ukraine.
The Meteorology Department conducts methodological inspections of the meteorology departments of the territorial Central Hydrometeorological Units, assists them in ensuring the receipt of reliable data on the assigned observation network.
The department develops long-term plans for the development and rationalization of the meteorological, actinometric and aerological observation network and certain types of meteorological observations.
The department pays great attention to improving existing methods of meteorological, actinometric and aerological observations, their generalization and climatological processing, as well as developing new methods for studying meteorological and actinometric regimes.
   The Department participates in the development of annual and long-term plans for research work in meteorology and actinometry and is directly involved in the implementation of these works.
The Department supervises the testing of new instruments and observation methods at the stations, summarizes the results of these tests and prepares conclusions on their use in Ukraine.
The Department summarizes and prepares for publication data of meteorological and actinometric observations in the form of monthly and yearly reports and describes the meteorological and radiation regime of Ukraine, provides these materials to interested organizations and research institutions directly and through the Sectoral State Archive of Hydrometeorological Observations of the SES of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the SDA MGS).
The Department regularly organizes meetings and seminars for meteorologists of territorial Hydrometeorology Centers and heads of hydrometeorological stations to discuss topical issues of the meteorological network. Based on the results of the seminars, measures are planned to improve the network.

In the photo: participants of the meeting-seminar of heads of hydrometeorological stations assigned to the Meteorology Department of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory

  Achievements of the department
In 1992, the Meteorology Department of the Central Hydrometeorological Organization was the first in Ukraine to start recording meteorological data on magnetic media on personal computers.
The department created a program for meteorological data quality control.
In 1996, in cooperation with the UkrNDGMI, a program was created for processing station meteorological data and creating databases; in 2004, work was completed on creating programs for processing meteorological data from stations to produce monthly, yearly and database reports.
 Programs have also been created that allow standardized queries to use station and post databases to meet the needs of consumers. This software was sent to the territorial RCGMs, the Central Meteorological Center and organizations with assigned posts with a meteorological section of work for its implementation. The meteorological data archives created in the meteorological data processing sector are transferred to the MGS GDA. Employees of the Department take an active part in the development and review of new regulatory documents, including Guidelines, Instructions, Regulations, and methodological instructions. All stations in the Kyiv region are equipped with digital BAR atmospheric pressure meters, some have automatic sensors for measuring air temperature and humidity, bedding surface temperature and soil temperature at depth, MARK 60.0 anemometers, V200A-UMB ultrasonic wind sensors, which ensure that observations are carried out at a fairly modern level. All stations in the Kyiv region are equipped with computers, and operational and operational data are transmitted via modem communication.
 Given the importance for consumers of meteorological data of information on the conditions, devices and methods of meteorological observations, the Meteorology Department started in 2006 and published in 2011 a climatological guidebook of new history and physical and geographical description of meteorological stations in Ukraine.
To improve data quality, the procedures for monitoring and summarizing meteorological data have been improved.


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