



Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine




Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Weather results of March in the capital
статистика за березень 2024

According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, the average monthly air temperature in Kyiv in March was 4.8°C, which is 2.3°C above the climate norm. This year's warmest March ranked 12th in the ranking of the warmest months.

The coldest day was March 8, when the minimum temperature dropped to -4.8°C in the morning, and the warmest was March 31, when the maximum temperature rose to +25.3°C, setting a temperature record.

Precipitation on Nauky Avenue amounted to 55 mm, or 138% of the climate norm.

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Weather results of the calendar winter in the capital


According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, the average temperature over the winter was 0.3°C, which is 2.8°C above the climate norm. The calendar winter of 2023-2024 was the third warmest winter in Kyiv since 1881.

Much warmer than normal weather caused the onset of meteorological spring much earlier than usual - on January 24, when the air temperature steadily moved above 0°C, 37 days earlier than the long-term average.

All winter months in the capital were warmer than normal. February had the largest positive deviation - 5.2°C. In total, 14 temperature records were registered in the capital over the winter.

The coldest day of the winter was January 9, when the temperature dropped to -15.8°C, and the warmest was February 29, when the temperature rose to +12.1°C.

Precipitation this calendar winter amounted to 161 mm, which is 131% of the climate norm.



Weather results of warm February in the capital

За даними спостережень метеостанції Центральної геофізичної обсерваторії імені Бориса Срезневського середньомісячна температура повітря у лютому в Києві дорівнювала 2,9°С, що на 5,2°С вище за кліматичну норму. Протягом місяця було зафіксовано вісім температурних рекордів. Цьогорічний лютий став другим у рейтингу найтепліших у столиці після 2002 року.

      Найхолодніше у столиці було 20 лютого, коли мінімальна температура під ранок знизилась до -3,8°С, а найтепліше – 29 лютого, коли максимальна температура досягла +12,1°С, оновивши температурний рекорд для цього дня.

      Опадів на проспекті Науки, 37 випало 48 мм, або 123 % кліматичної норми.



Погодні підсумки січня у столиціитоги січня

According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, the average monthly temperature in Kyiv in February was 2.9°C, which is 5.2°C higher than the climate norm. Eight temperature records were set during the month. This year's February was the second warmest in the capital after 2002.

The coldest day in the capital was February 20, when the minimum temperature dropped to -3.8°C in the morning, and the warmest was February 29, when the maximum temperature reached +12.1°C, updating the temperature record for that day.

Precipitation at 37 Nauky Avenue amounted to 48 mm, or 123% of the climatic norm.



Climatologists of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory summarized the weather results of 2023 in the capital


According to the observations of the Observatory's weather station, the average annual temperature in the capital in 2023 was +10.8°C, which is 1.8°C above the climate norm. During the observations, it became the second warmest year on record after 2020 due to the record warm second half of the year (13.3°C), with an average temperature deviation of 2.3°C from the climate norm.

11 months of the year had average monthly temperatures above the climate norm, except for April, which was colder than usual. January, August, and September were particularly notable, with the largest deviations of 2.9°C, 3.4°C, and 3.9°C, respectively.

The coldest day was February 8 - minus 10.3°C, and the hottest was August 29, when the temperature in the shade reached +35.9°C.

In total, 47 temperature records were recorded in Kyiv in 2023, with the highest number of them in January - 16 and August - 12.

Precipitation amounted to 673 mm, which corresponds to 109% of the climate norm. However, they were distributed extremely unevenly over time - two monthly norms in July and April and only 1.5% of the long-term average in May.

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Weekly information on air pollution in Kyiv

According to observations at the stationary posts of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, from March 18 to 23, 2024, the average daily maximum permissible concentrations were exceeded in the air of Kyiv:

- sulfur dioxide - by 1.4-2.5 times on Bessarabska Square, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Academician Strazhesko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotko, Engineer Borodin, Kaunaska and Semen Skliarenko streets, except for 37 Nauky Avenue (near the weather site of the Observatory), where no exceedances were observed;

- nitrogen dioxide - by 3.1-4.0 times from March 21 to 23 on Beresteysky Avenue, Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard, Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka, and Inzhenera Borodina streets; by 3.2-4.4 times on Bessarabska Square, Kaunaska and Semena Skliarenka streets; by 1.1-2.8 times on Obolonsky and Nauky avenues, in the area of Hydropark, and Academician Strazhesko street;

- formaldehyde - by 2.9-3.0 times on March 21-22 in the area of Skliarenko Street; by 1.0-2.1 times on Bessarabska Square, Beresteysky and Obolonsky Avenues, Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard, in the area of Hydropark, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka and Kaunaska Streets.

A total of 1287 atmospheric air samples were collected and analyzed at 15 stationary posts of the observatory from March 18 to 23, 2024.

Compared to the previous week, the formaldehyde content in the air has slightly increased.

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, last week was dominated by cyclonic weather, which contributed to the dispersion of most pollutants. However, this trend will change in the next 2-3 days, with warming, southerly winds and no precipitation expected, which will not contribute to the dispersion of impurities.




Weekly information on air pollution in Kyiv

According to observations at the stationary posts of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, from March 11 to 16, 2024, the average daily maximum permissible concentrations were exceeded in the air of Kyiv:

- Sulfur dioxide - by 1.5-2.5 times on Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, Lesia Ukrainka boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Academician Strazhesko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotko, Engineer Borodin, Kaunaska and Semen Skliarenko streets, except for 37 Nauky Avenue (near the weather site of the Observatory), where no exceedances were observed;

- nitrogen dioxide - by 3.0-4.3 times on Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard, Kaunaska and Semena Skliarenka streets; by 1.0-2.9 times on Beresteysky, Obolonsky and Nauky avenues, in the area of Hydropark, Academician Strazhesko, Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka and Inzhenera Borodina streets;

- formaldehyde - by 1.0-1.9 times on Halytska and Bessarabska squares, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, Lesi Ukrainky boulevard, Akademika Strazheskoho, Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka, Kaunaska and Skliarenka streets.

A total of 1523 atmospheric air samples were collected and analyzed at 16 stationary posts of the observatory from March 11 to 16, 2024.

The content of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde in the air has decreased compared to the previous week.

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, the weather pattern will change in the next 2-3 days: precipitation and a slight decrease in air temperature are possible, which will help reduce the concentration of pollutants in the surface layer of the atmosphere.




Weekly information on air pollution in Kyiv

According to observations at the stationary posts of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, from March 4 to 9, 2024, the average daily maximum permissible concentrations were exceeded in the air of Kyiv:

- Sulfur dioxide - by 1.6-2.5 times on Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, Lesia Ukrainka boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Academician Strazhesko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotko, Inzhener Borodin, Kaunaska and Semen Skliarenko streets, except for 37 Nauky Avenue (near the weather site of the Observatory), where no exceedances were observed;

- nitrogen dioxide - by 3.0-4.6 times on Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Beresteysky avenue, Lesia Ukrainka boulevard, Akademika Strazheskoho, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka, Inzhenera Borodina, Kaunaska and Semena Skliarenka streets; by 1.0-2.9 times on Obolonskyi and Nauky avenues, in the area of Hydropark;

- formaldehyde - by 3.4 times on March 4 in the area of Semen Skliarenko Street; by 1.0-2.9 times on Halytska and Bessarabska Squares, Beresteysky, Obolonsky and Nauky Avenues, Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Academician Strazhesko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka, Kaunaska Streets.

A total of 1524 atmospheric air samples were collected and analyzed at 16 stationary posts of the Observatory from March 4 to 9, 2024.

Compared to the previous week, the content of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in the air increased.

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, last week was dominated by anticyclonic weather, without precipitation, with low winds, which contributed to an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the surface layer of the atmosphere, but in the next 2-3 days it will change to cyclonic, which will lead to a decrease in concentrations.




Weekly information on air pollution in Kyiv

According to observations at the stationary posts of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, from February 26 to March 2, 2024, the average daily maximum permissible concentrations were exceeded in the air of Kyiv:

- Sulfur dioxide - by 1.5-2.6 times on Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, Lesia Ukrainka boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Academician Strazhesko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotko, Inzhener Borodin, Kaunaska and Semen Skliarenko streets, except for 37 Nauky Avenue (near the weather site of the observatory), where no exceedances were observed;

- nitrogen dioxide - by 1.1-3.9 times on Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Beresteyskyi, Obolonskyi and Nauky avenues, Lesi Ukrainky boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Academician Strazhesko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotko, Inzhenera Borodina, Kaunaska and Semena Skliarenka streets;

- formaldehyde - by 1.0-2.4 times on Halytska and Bessarabska squares, Beresteyskyi, Obolonskyi and Nauky avenues, Lesi Ukrainky boulevard, in the Hydropark area, Akademika Strazheskoho, Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Hetman Pavlo Polubotka, Kaunaska and Skliarenko streets.

A total of 1464 atmospheric air samples were collected and analyzed at 16 stationary posts of the observatory from February 26 to March 2, 2024.

Compared to the previous week, the content of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in the air increased.

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, the predominantly cyclonic weather pattern with no precipitation, rising air temperature and weak winds with a southerly component contributed to the increase in pollutant concentrations, but this weather pattern will change in the next 2-3 days.


The year started with temperature records in the capital
According to the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, on January 1, for the first time in 143 years of observations, the average daily air temperature in Kyiv was +10.3°C, which is 4.4°C higher than the record temperature for this day in 2021. The climate norm was exceeded by 13.8°C, which corresponds to the weather in mid-April.

The maximum temperature in the capital rose to +13.2°C, exceeding the previous record for this day in 2021 by 4.7°C. The previous absolute maximum temperature in January was recorded on January 11, 1991.

The minimum temperature in Kyiv did not drop below 5.5°C. The previous record was set in 2021 and was 4.4°C.



The last day of March was record warm in the capital


According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, two temperature records were set in the capital on March 31.

The maximum air temperature reached 25.3°C, which is 2.9°C higher than the previous record for this day in 1968.

The average daily air temperature was the highest on record for this day and amounted to 16.9°C, exceeding the previous record figure for 1968 by 1.6°C. According to long-term data, this air temperature corresponds to May 23.

The last day of February in the capital was record warm


On February 29, two temperature records were set in the capital, according to observations by the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.

The maximum air temperature reached 12.1°C, which is 2.8°C higher than the previous record for this day in 2008.

The average daily air temperature was the highest on record for this day and amounted to 5.0°C, which exceeded the previous record figure for 2016 by 0.4°C.

New air temperature records are set in the capital


According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, on February 14, the minimum air temperature in Kyiv exceeded the record value of 1997 by 1.1°C and amounted to 3.1°C.

The average daily air temperature was the highest on record for this day and amounted to 5.0°C, exceeding the previous record high of 1975 by 0.6°C.

In total, six temperature records have been updated in Kyiv over the past six months

Another February temperature record in the capital
According to the observations of the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, on February 13, the average daily air temperature in the capital was the highest for that day on record and amounted to 6.5°C, exceeding the previous record high of 1995 by 0.3°C and the climatic norm by 9.4°C. According to long-term indicators, this air temperature corresponds to April 2.
Temperature records were set in Kyiv

  Two temperature records were set in the capital on February 7, according to observations by the meteorological station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.

The maximum air temperature reached 9.7°C, which is 0.5°C higher than the previous record for this day in 2004.

The average daily air temperature was the highest on record for this day and amounted to 6.9°C, which exceeded the previous record for the same day in 2004 by 0.4°C, and the climatic norm by 10.5°C. According to long-term indicators, this air temperature corresponds to April 1.

Record for the warmest minimum air temperature in Kyiv
 On February 4, the minimum air temperature in Kyiv exceeded the 1936 record by 2.1°C and reached +4.6°C, according to observations by the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.
Temperature records were set in Kyiv at the end of December

On December 30, three temperature records were set in Kyiv, according to observations by the weather station of the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.
The minimum air temperature in the capital was the warmest for that day, as the temperature did not drop below 4.9°C. The previous record high of 3.0°C set in 2003 and 2020 was exceeded by 1.9°C.

The maximum air temperature reached 10.5°C, which is 3.0°C higher than the previous record high in 2020.

The average daily air temperature was the highest on record for this day and amounted to 6.9°C, which exceeded the previous record figure for the same year 2020 by 1.6°C, and the climatic norm by 8.6°C. According to long-term indicators, this air temperature corresponds to April 1.

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