Guidelines, methodological recommendations_cp
1. The Law of Ukraine "On Hydrometeorological Activities" of 18.02.1999 No. 443-XIV;
2. Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine No. 286 of 30.07.2001 "On Approval of the Procedure for Determining the Values of Background Concentrations of Pollutants in the Atmosphere" and amendments thereto, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine No. 485 of 08.12.2016;
3. Law of Ukraine on Access to Public Information, 2011;
4. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 26, 2011. N 1102 "Some Issues of Provision of Paid Services by Subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations";
5. Order of the SES of Ukraine No. 473 of 31.08.2017 "On Approval of the List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equated to Them, to be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025", "List of Industry Standards...";
6. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 827 dated 08/14/2019 "Some issues of state monitoring in the field of atmospheric air protection";
7. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 758 "On State Water Monitoring" dated September 19, 2018;
Soil samples are taken in accordance with DSTU: "Soil quality. Sampling. Part 1: Guidelines for the preparation of sampling programs" DSTU ISO 10381-1: 2004, "Soil quality. Sampling. Part 2. Guidelines for sampling methods" DSTU ISO 10381-2: 2004, "Soil quality. Sampling. Part 4. Guidelines for the investigation of natural, near-natural and cultivated areas" DSTU ISO 10381-4: 2005.
2. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 30.03.1998, No. 391 "On Approval of the Regulation on the State Environmental Monitoring System".
3. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 16.11.2018 No. 931 "On Approval of the Program of Environmental Pollution Observation by Hydrometeorological Organizations of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine".
4. RD 52.18.70-86 "Unified Industry Time Standards for Soil Sampling, Analysis and Processing of Observation Materials".
Order of the SES of 31.08.2017 No. 473 on the "List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equivalent to Them to Be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities by 01.01.2025"
Order of the SES of Ukraine dated 31.08.2017 No. 473 on the "List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equivalent to Them to be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025"
RD 52.24.66-86 "Guidelines. System for Controlling the Accuracy of Measurement Results of Pollution Indicators of the Controlled Environment". Order of the SES of Ukraine dated 31.08.2017 No. 473 on the "List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equivalent to Them to Be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025"
RD 52.18.156-88 "Nature protection. Soils. Methods of selecting representative soil samples characterizing spatial contamination of agricultural land by residual amounts of pesticides. Methodological guidelines". Order of the SES of Ukraine dated 31.08.2017 No. 473 on the "List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equivalent to Them to be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025"
RD 52.18.191-89 "Guidelines. Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of acid-soluble forms of metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cadmium) in soil samples by atomic absorption analysis". Order of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine dated 31.08.2017 No. 473 on the "List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equivalent to Them to Be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025"
6. DSTU 4287:2004 "Soil quality. Sampling".
7. DSTU 4288:2004 "Soil quality. Soil passport".
8. DSTU ISO/TR 10013:2003 "Guidelines for the development of quality management system documentation".
9. DSTU ISO 10381-1:2004 "Sampling. Part 1: Guidelines for the preparation of sampling programs" (ISO 10381-1:2002, IDT).
10. DSTU ISO 10381-2:2004 "Sampling. Part 2. Guidelines for sampling methods" (ISO 10381-2:2002, IDT).
12. DSTU ISO 15800:2005 "Soil quality. Characterization of soil for human exposure" (ISO 158000:2003, IDT).
13. DSTU ISO 16133:2005 "Soil quality. Guidelines for the design and implementation of monitoring programs" (ISO 16133:2004, IDT).
14. DSTU ISO 15903:2004 "Soil quality. Form for recording soil and site information" (ISO 15903:2002, IDT).
15. GOST Nature protection. Soils. General requirements for the classification of soils according to the impact of chemical pollutants on them.
16. RD 52.04.186-89 "Guidelines for the control of atmospheric pollution"
п. Iron, cadmium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, chromium, zinc (atomic absorption method). Order of the SES of Ukraine dated 31.08.2017 No. 473 on the "List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equivalent to Them to Be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025"
2. Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine No. 286 of 30.07.2001 "On Approval of the Procedure for Determining the Values of Background Concentrations of Pollutants in the Atmosphere" and amendments thereto, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine No. 485 of 08.12.2016;
3. Law of Ukraine on Access to Public Information, 2011;
4. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 26, 2011. N 1102 "Some Issues of Provision of Paid Services by Subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergencies";
5. Order of the SES of Ukraine No. 473 of 31.08.2017 "On Approval of the List of Industry Standards and Other Regulatory Documents of the Former USSR Equated to Them to Be Used in Hydrometeorological Activities until 01.01.2025", "List of Industry Standards...";