Guidelines, methodological recommendations_meteo
World Meteorological Organization Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation No. 8
DSTU 3513-2021 Meteorology. Terms and definitions of basic concepts, 2021
SOU 74.90.14-02572508-001:2014 Reference climatic stations.
CD Guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts. Issue 3. Part 1: Meteorological observations at stations. 2011
Guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts. Processing of meteorological observations. 2018
KD Instruction for hydrometeorological stations and posts, issue 2, part 1. Meteorological observations at posts, 2007.
KD Guideline. Hydrometeorological codes. Part 2 A. National hydrometeorological codes. Code for the operational transmission of surface hydrometeorological observations from ground and coastal stations KS-01. Code for the transmission of generalized monthly data from surface hydrometeorological stations "Climate". 2013
KD Code for the transmission of storm warnings about actual dangerous and natural phenomena (WAREP code). Part I. Meteorological and agrometeorological phenomena. Part II. Marine hydrometeorological phenomena. 2013
Guidelines for automated processing and control of hydrometeorological observation data. Issue 3 Meteorological information of hydrometeorological stations and posts. Part 1 Meteorological information of stations. 2013
KD Code for transmission of data of KC-24 snow surveys. Part 1 Results of snow measurement surveys on linear snow measurement routes. 2013
Guidelines for automated processing and control of hydrometeorological observation data. Issue 3. Meteorological information of hydrometeorological stations and posts. Part 3. Meteorological information of posts. 2014
KD 74.90.14-02572508-003:2015 Guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts issue 10. Inspection of hydrometeorological stations and posts part 1. Inspection of meteorological observations at stations. 2015
Guidelines for the reduction of atmospheric pressure to sea level and calculation of isobaric surface heights at meteorological stations. 2015
CD 74.90.14-02572508-000:2015 Conducting parallel meteorological observations. Methodical instructions. 2015
Methodical instructions. Assessment of the representativeness of reference climatic stations. 2017
Guidelines. Classification of clouds. 2021
Methodological recommendations. Spatial and temporal control of meteorological station data. Kyiv 2021. Order of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center of February 16, 2021 No. NS-13/99
Guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts, Issue 1. State system of hydrometeorological observations. Main provisions and regulatory documents. 2019
KD Guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts Issue 5. Part 1: Actinometric observations at stations. 2011
Guidelines. Verification of actinometric observations at stations. 2020
Guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts. Aerological observations at the stations. Temperature and wind radio sounding of the atmosphere by the Radioteodolite-UL - PAZA-12M system. 2021
Guideline. Hydrometeorological codes. Part 2B: National hydrometeorological codes. 2013
Instruction on the use of airspace at launch (ascent) points of meteorological radiosondes. Approved by the Head of the SES on 24.01.2020 Kyiv. 2020