



Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine




Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Climate records

9 climate records of Ukraine
Climate change issues are on a par with the most pressing issues facing humanity. Extreme weather conditions, which are increasingly observed in the world and in Ukraine, are causing increased public interest in climate issues.
Unique in scope and content, the hydrometeorological information stored in the Sectoral State Archive of the Central Geophysical Observatory (CGO) of the SES of Ukraine allows experts to make historical excursions into the climate of Ukraine going back almost 2 centuries.
Based on the archival data, the CGO climatologists decided to report 9 climate records for the period of regular meteorological observations in Ukraine:
1. The maximum air temperature of +42.0°C was recorded on August 12, 2010 at the Luhansk weather station;
2. The absolute minimum air temperature of -41.9°C was observed on January 8, 1935 at the Luhansk weather station;
3. The highest temperature on the soil surface was observed on June 2, 1995, at the Voznesensk weather station (Mykolaiv region). On that day, the soil surface "heated up" to 80°C;
4. The absolute minimum soil surface temperature of -46°C was recorded on January 31, 1987 at the Kupiansk weather station (Kharkiv oblast);
5. The highest monthly precipitation of 580 mm was measured during the catastrophic flood in the Carpathians in June 1969 at the Huta hydrological station (Ivano-Frankivsk region). For most of Ukraine, this is almost an annual amount;
6. The highest daily precipitation of 278 mm was recorded by the Karadazh Observatory (Crimea) on September 2, 1991;
7. The maximum wind speed of 50 m/s (180 km/h) was recorded on December 24, 1947 at the Ai-Petri weather station in Crimea;
8. The maximum ice diameter of 207 mm was observed in November 2000 at the Zatyshshya weather station (Odesa region);
9. The highest snow cover height of 352 cm was recorded on March 25, 2006 at the Pozhezhevska avalanche station (Ivano-Frankivsk region) Climate change is leading to an increase in the number of extreme and dangerous events and changes in extremes.

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Historical extremes in Kyiv based on the results of observations of the weather station of the Central Geophysical Observatory since 1881

Parameters Value Date (year)
Absolute minimum air temperature -32,2°С February 7, February 9, 1929
Absolute maximum air temperature 39,4°С July 30, 1936
The largest daily amplitude of air temperature 19,0ºС February 4, 2014
The largest monthly amplitude of air temperature 31,6ºС January 2014
Absolute maximum of atmospheric tisk 1032,1 гПа December 17, 1997
Absolute minimum atmospheric pressure 946,5 гПа 1930
Maximum wind speed 25 м/с March 20, 1881
Maximum annual precipitation 1000 мм 1933
Minimum annual precipitation 358 1862, 1863
Maximum daily precipitation 103мм July 20, 1902
Maximum annual precipitation duration 1619 год. 1970
Maximum monthly precipitation 251 мм червень 1932
Minimum monthly precipitation 0 мм   жовтень 2000
Minimum relative humidity 9% 19 квітня 2009
The highest number of days with precipitation in a month 27 дн. січень 2004
Longest duration of precipitation in a month 352 год січень 1979
Maximum snow cover thickness 84см 17 лютого 1940
Maximum snow cover thickness increase per day 33 см 19 грудня 2017
Maximum diameter of wet snow accumulation 85 мм зима 2012/2013
The longest duration of fog in a year 614 год 1966
The largest number of days with fog in a year 79дн. 1966
Maximum duration of blizzards 143 год 1973-1974
The earliest date of the first autumn frost найраніша 20 вересня 1921
Date of the first autumn air frost найпізніша 19 листопада 2013 
Date of last spring air frost найраніша 22 березня 1973 
Date of the last spring frost in the air найпізніша 27 травня 1904 
Maximum duration of frost-free period in the air 223 дн. 2008, 2013
Minimum duration of frost-free period in the air 144 дн. 1902, 1945
Absolute minimum soil surface temperature -36ºС 9 січня 1987, 3 лютого 2012 
Absolute maximum soil surface temperature 64ºС 4 липня 1961, 3 липня 2007
Maximum depth of soil freezing 86 см 3 декада лютого 1982
Earliest date of the first autumn frost найраніша 4 вересня 1997
Date of the first autumn frost on the soil найпізніша 11 листопада 2020
Date of last spring frost on the soil найраніша 30 березня 1970
Date of the last spring frost on the soil найпізніша 28 травня 1997
The maximum duration of the frost-free period on the soil is 217 дн. 2018
Minimum duration of the frost-free period on the soil 98 дн. 1997
The shortest duration of sunshine 9 год грудень 1964, 1970
The longest duration of sunshine 396 год червень 1964
The largest number of days without sunshine 27дн. грудень 1966, 1970
The largest number of days with thunderstorms in a month 17 дн.  липень 2010





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