Hydrological data
Water flow data for the period of observation and for a specific year of selected rivers in Ukraine
Water flow data for the period of observation and for a specific year of selected rivers in Ukraine | ||||||||||||
Typical water consumption, m3/s | ||||||||||||
№ з/п | River | Post |
Post code |
Catchment area, km2 |
Observation period |
Water consumption, m3/s for the period of observation |
Water consumption, m3/s |
average | biggest |
the smallest for the period of open channel |
year | average | biggest |
the smallest for the period of open channel |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
1 | Western Bug | м.Литовеж | 79397 | 6 740 | 1979-2021 | 32,4 | 285 | 3,5 | 2021 | 36,4 | 230 | 6,70 |
2 | Danube River | м. Рені | 42802 | 811000 | 1921-2021 | 6500 | 16000 | 1280 | 2021 | 6080 | 10900 | 2820 |
3 | Prunus | м.Чернівці | 42148 | 6 890 | 1895-1911, 1919-1924, 1926-1935, 1945-2021 | 71,1 | 5 200 | 4,97 | 2021 | 62,1 | 489 | 13,3 |
4 | Dniester River | м.Заліщики | 81041 | 24 600 | 1895-1914, 1917,1918, 1920-1929, 1940-2021 | 226 | 8 040 | 28,0 | 2021 | 209 | 1150 | 64,8 |
5 | Striy | смт Верхнє Синьовидне | 81108 | 2 400 | 1929-1941, 1951-2021 | 41,4 | 2 610 | 1,56 | 2021 | 51,2 | 313 | 7,80 |
6 | Southern Bug | смт Олександрівка | 81801 | 46 200 | 1914-2021 | 84,2 | 5 320 | 3,30 | 2021 | 34,7 | 114 | 9,92 |
7 | Dnipro | с.Неданчичі | 79043 | 103 000 | 1972-2021 | 557 | 4 150 | 128 | 2021 | 560 | 1190 | 189 |
8 | Stir | м.Луцьк | 79477 | 7 200 | 1923-1933, 1935-1941, 1943-2021 | 30,5 | 876 | 2,26 | 2021 | 27,4 | 68,6 | 14,0 |
9 | Sluch | м.Сарни | 79549 | 13 300 | 1923-1933, 1941, 1943, 1945-2021 | 50,6 | 2 910 | 2,50 | 2021 | 35,0 | 243 | 7,00 |
10 | Desna | м.Чернігів | 80131 | 81 400 | 1884-2021 | 320 | 8 090 | 36,0 | 2021 | 224 | 451 | 91,0 |
11 | Ros | м.Корсунь-Шевченківський | 80302 | 10 300 | 1928-2021 | 21,0 | 1 240 | 0,031 | 2021 | 7,10 | 91,7 | 1,58 |
12 | Psel | с.Запсілля | 80421 | 21 800 | 1927-1940, 1950-2021 | 48,4 | 1 100 | 0,80 | 2021 | 22,1 | 57,2 | 4,18 |
13 | Vorskla | с.Кобеляки | 80453 | 13 500 | 1965-2021 | 31,6 | 580 | 1,61 | 2021 | 16,0 | 49,8 | 2,89 |
14 | Samara | с.Кочережки | 80486 | 19 800 | 1938-1941, 1952-2021 | 13,8 | 867 | 0,019 | 2021 | 5,34 | 28,9 | 1,90 |
15 | Siverskyi Donets | м.Лисичанськ | 78309 | 52 400 | 1892-1910, 1925-2014, 2017-2020 | 98,9 | 3 310 | 3,90 | 2020 | 44,3 | 78,8 | 28,5 |
16 | Oskol | м.Куп'янськ | 78397 | 12 700 | 1924-1935, 1948-2018 | 35,9 | 1 900 | 4,20 | 2018 | 21,3 | 35,3 | 10,2 |
17 | Molochna | м. Токмак | 83006 | 760 | 1950-2020 | 0,87 | 90,6 | нб | 2020 | 0,49 | 0,72 | 0,33 |
18 | Obitichna | м.Приморськ | 83022 | 1 300 | 1938-1940, 1950-2020 | 1,40 | 385 | нб (5%) | 2020 | 0,11 | 0,60 | 0,019 |
19 | Kalmius | м.Сартана | 83036 | 3 700 | 1927-1940, 1950-2018 | 10,0 | 584 | 0,055 | 2018 | 5,55 | 9,70 | 2,78 |
20 | Kalchik | м.Маріуполь | 83048 | 1 250 | 1946-2020 | 2,43 | 174 | 0,016 | 2020 | 1,28 | 2,84 | 0,80 |