



Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine




Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

М Bila Tserkva

Meteorological station Bila Tserkva
43, Tolstoy St., Bila Tserkva, 09109, tel. (04563) 6-34-42

    BC1  Meteorological observations in Bila Tserkva began in October 1871. The meteorological station as an independent structural unit has been functioning at the Regional Research Station since 1927. On January 31, 1931, the meteorological station was transferred to the Bila Tserkva Experimental Breeding Station. At that time, the meteorological station was equipped in accordance with the requirements for a second-class agrometeorological station. Additionally, observations of soil moisture, winter crops, phenological and road weather observations were carried out. Telegrams were transmitted: Synoptic (daily at 7, 13 and 19 hours). Agrometeorological (ten-day and pentaday). Air telegrams every 3 hours from 7 to 22 hours. Road and weather telegrams. On June 5, 1933, the meteorological station began to serve the Southwestern Railway. From January 1, 1934, the weather station was involved in inter-district work, at that time it served 11 districts, with 34 precipitation stations. Since January 16, 1934, the station has been regularly receiving weather forecasts and providing them to local economic organizations and agricultural enterprises. Since September 1, 1935, the hydrometeorological station has been conducting observations every 2 hours. In addition, all agrometeorological observations and snow cover observations are carried out in accordance with the program and instructions of the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service (GUGMS). Since 1935, the hydrometeorological station has been operating around the clock, issuing air telegrams every 2 hours, storm warnings and air telegrams on request, and servicing rail transport. Agrometeorological observations have been carried out all along, and local organizations have been provided with weather forecasts. During the Great Patriotic War, the station operated from September 1, 1941, to November 7, 1943. After the occupation, the station resumed its work on January 10, 1944. In 1987, the station was moved to a new location.

The program consists of:
-meteorological observations of the main meteorological elements, as well as observations of soil temperature at different depths and duration of sunshine, snow surveys in the field
-agrometeorological observations according to the full program;
-Radiometric observations;
-Information work;
-soil sampling to determine the levels of chemical contamination of agricultural land;
-Provision of information to local governments and business entities of Bila Tserkva and Bila Tserkva district;
-Monitoring of air pollution at 2 stationary posts.

   Meteorological observations are conducted around the clock every 3 hours. The Bila Tserkva weather station sends synoptic telegrams for all periods of time to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, and storm telegrams are transmitted around the clock.
Agrometeorological observations are carried out according to the full program for 10 crops. Agrometeorological information provided: ten-day agrometeorological telegrams, telegrams on moisture reserves, daily agrometeorological telegrams and precipitation telegrams from agrometeorological posts (daily, per ten days and per month).
The program of radiometric observations includes measurement of the radiation background at 9 a.m. and transmission of the data once a week to Kyiv.
Until October 2004, all telegrams to Kyiv Pogoda and Kyiv Agromet were transmitted via telegraph, and since October 8, 2004, all telegrams are transmitted via the Internet.
The station provides the city and district state administrations, agro-industrial development departments, and the Civil Defense headquarters (a department of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine) with meteorological data, weather forecasts, and warnings of dangerous weather phenomena.
It also provides meteorological information to Bilotserkivvoda LLC, PREMIORI LLC, Bila Tserkva City Council's Belotserkivteplomerezha, Uzynske Housing and Utilities Department, and KETC.
In addition to Bila Tserkva district, the meteorological station serves agricultural enterprises in Volodarsky, Rokytnyansky, Skvyra, Tetiivsky and Stavyshchansky districts.
Heads of the station:

1935 - 1939 - Krychun Oleksandra Yukhymivna.

1940 - 1941 - Lidia Mykhailivna Tovba.

1944 - 1946 - Lidia Mykhailivna Tovba.

1946 - 1947 - Petro Lysyi.

1947 - 1949 - Petro Stepanovych Arkhypenko.

1949 - 1951 - Petro Mykhailovych Lysyi.

22.10.1951 - 31.03.1953 - Petro Stepanovych Arkhypenko.

1.04.1953 - 3.08.1965 - Hanna Khoroshailo.

15.08.1965 - 24.06.2004 - Halyna Apolinariyivna Tukhar.

From 24.06.2004 to the present day - Olena Ivanchenko.

The Branch State Archive of the Hydrometeorological Service stores data of meteorological observations of the station since

1925 р.

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